Thursday 6 March 2014

A Woman's Intuition

I have funny memories of my father talking about woman’s intuition. He was amazed and baffled at how women could be so insightful. At first he would be resistant to intuitive happenings and synchronistic events, then after many years and a household full of women he surrendered to the benefits it brought. What he failed to fully realise was his wife (my mother) was a natural healer, and his mother (my grandmother) was psychic. It was a taboo subject kept between the ladies, yet when dad began to understand it, he became our greatest fan.

I am fascinated with my Celtic heritage, my family tree dates back to the 14th century and is packed with Celtic mystery and intrigue. I am also grateful to have been told old stories which were shared with me by my grandmother. These almost forgotten stories tell of ancient times and cultures that can still apply to present day living.

It is well known that Scottish woman are feisty, independent, grounded and say it as it is. So where does all this directness come from? It comes from our ancient way of living….

Prior to Christianity coming onto the shores of Scotland, we followed a completely different lifestyle structure which was based on matriarchalism; we worshipped the female form, the goddess. A woman born into Scottish culture was automatically free, she could live with whom she wanted, was equal to her Celtic brothers, inherit her fathers estate with no male influence and embrace a natural life of the land without fear of being killed for being a witch. This was one of the only cultures in the world that held these principles.

If a Scottish woman wanted to settle down with a partner (what we now know as marriage) she would choose a person and live and love with them for a year. If it worked well between them, they would commit a lifetime together. If it didn’t work well, they would separate without judgement. If a child was conceived within that year when they weren’t suited, the child would automatically be raised by the mothers family and inherit her family name. An only daughter would inherit her fathers estate in her own right without it going to a male cousin or relative, she was viewed as equal on Scottish soil. This still applies within Scottish law to this present day which makes it very different from other countries.

Natural living from the land and the sea was how it was done. Healing with plants, herbs, symbols, moon cycles and crystals was part of life. Using intuition and clairvoyance was normal, trusting our visions and seeing future events was and still is a Celtic way of life. Scottish women were highly sought after and shipped all over the world to foretell the future, as they’re visions could help win a war or mould a new empire. They were renowned for their clairvoyance gifts and insights, and were feared because of their pale skin, wild woman hair, piercing eyes and direct approach. Other cultures could not understand their ways and apparent lack of fear, Celtic women were very mysterious creatures. Scotland was and still is a matriarch culture, with most principles remaining the same. Fathers and brothers supported, endorsed and celebrated the equality. They were and are the ultimate 21st century men.

As a fully fledged Scot, I can say that there is something different about being an intuitive Scottish woman. With natural insight synced to our third eye chakra, this entrepreneurial intuition runs through all our veins and appears to be part of our DNA.

No wonder my dad spoke about woman’s intuition and celebrated it with the women in his life. He was baffled by it, yet proud to be part of it. After all, you can take the woman out of Scotland but you can’t take Scotland out of the woman.


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