Thursday 13 March 2014

Loving Nature

As Spring is now upon us there is a feeling of fresh anticipation, a lightness that is affecting each and everyone of us. With lighter mornings and evenings we are all waking up from our hibernation and stretching in the delight of new beginnings. What a beauty there is embracing the wonderfulness of Spring.

Nature shows us a beautiful example of beginnings and endings through the seasons and moon cycles. Where there is one there is the other and nothing ever stays the same. Everything moves forward and evolves as it needs to be, that is natural living.

We have the birth of Spring where nature bursts into life offering new beginnings. Summer is when nature thrives and grows to its fullest. Autumn is when we harvest and Winter is when everything dies back, letting the soil rejuvenate itself, awaiting Spring.

Our lives are the same. We can give birth to an idea, then watch it grow. See it blossom with Summer energy becoming ripe and ready for picking. Autumn energy celebrates the harvest and rewards, then comes Winter energy, where we reflect upon choices, outcomes and whether we wish to repeat the same process. It is a perfect cycle that is governed by a far bigger force than ourselves; Nature.

We also experience natural living through moon cycles; the waxing moon, full moon, waning moon and new/dark moon.The waxing moon cycle is all about giving birth to something new and building that energy up to be manifested in the full moon. The full moon (similar to Summer energy) is when we watch our chosen idea begin to flourish and reach its prime or begin to blossom. The waning moon cycle is all about letting go, surrendering and detoxing with no attachments, in preparation for the new/dark moon cycle (similar to Winter energy) where reflection upon choices and outcomes are reviewed in preparation for the waxing cycle.

Nothing can stay the same forever, everything changes including ourselves. We will experience beginnings where fresh new energy comes into our lives and be familiar with endings. We need this to happen to release the old so the new can come in, and so the cycle continues. It is exciting with fresh new energy and opportunities around each corner, we need to learn to let go of the old in order to embrace the new.

Working in sync with nature helps us understand and embrace natural living. It is not reserved for tree huggers, it is available to everyone. It is not a new age way to lead our lives, it is an ancient way.

Lets surrender to nature and all her gifts. She has the power to lift and rejuvenate us instantly with her beauty, touching us deep within our soul. Lets not take her for granted because without nature what do we have?

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