Thursday 20 March 2014

Spirituality in everyday life

What does spirituality mean to you?

Being spiritual is such an individual thing. The definition in the dictionary is ‘to relate to deep feelings and beliefs,’ so does that make us all spiritual? Yes.

We all connect to our cause within which is shown in various forms. To some it may be sport or football, can you imagine asking supporters in Easter road if they are spiritual? The answer would probably be hilarious, yet if you were to ask them if they deeply feel and believe in their team I’m sure it would be a resounding YES! The same could be said for believing in ourselves, our children, partners or whatever means a lot to us.

Why is there such a spiritual taboo? Most spirituality gets confined to a religious context, which then places limitations on what we believe. Yet if the actual word means deep feelings and beliefs, there can be no right or wrong way to believe. There have been more wars caused by a group of people believing deeply that their God is better then anyone else's God, with precious human lives being lost because of it. Who exactly benefits from it? Do we really think God would want us to slaughter one another over a name?

Another popular stereotype of spirituality is New Age, the good old tree hugging hippy types that smell of patchouli oil and wear tie dye clothes. From my experience this tends to be the most familiar type caste for calling someone spiritual. But what if you don’t believe in the beauty of tie dye or patchouli scents, and opt for a more contemporary way of expressing your spirituality. Does this still make you spiritual? Yes.

The wonderful thing about being spiritual is the freedom it brings. You can be whatever you want to be and celebrate your deep feelings. Lets accept each other and remember our beliefs form at a young age with whatever social exposure we have experienced. Our belief system changes as we grow older as we experience more life lessons. We can learn to accept each other and be less judgmental, because when we grow more spiritually we adopt oneness principles which lead us towards a more authentic way of living.

What if we are all spiritual beings having a human experience. Our human experience has the potential to be like a heaven on earth experience. When we are open enough to deeply believe in each other and our infinite possibilities, there can be no room for limitations as to how we each choose to live our lives. All that matters is we are being true to our soul connection and who we really are. To establish acceptance of this kind is a brave and beautiful thing.

If spirituality was interpreted as each of us living an authentic experience on earth, which is based on a soul revival and embracing what makes our heart sing, surely that would help us relate to our deep feelings of believing in ourselves. Living this way would have the power to inspire others to do the same. After all, actions do speak louder than words.
Live from your heart - Share your truth - Embrace your inner peace

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