Thursday 27 March 2014

Happiness is...

Being happy is something we all aspire to be and having worked with many clients on a personal and professional level, happiness is top of the list.

So how do we become happy? This is different for everyone. Some are born with a happy disposition, others work through issues to find it, many dip their toes into being it and some just jump right in. The wonderful thing about happiness is it is available to all of us who have a willingness to choose it.

So with that in mind, here are a few top tips to embrace happiness:

1. Give yourself permission to be happy - It is your god given right to be happy. Don’t settle for anything less.

2. Accept yourself fully - Get to know the good, the bad and the ugly. Be aware of your dark side, yes that naughty little ego that screams obscenities about your insecurities, and tries to stop you being H.A.P.P.Y. Having that awareness means you win, it loses and goes away defeated, deflated with its tails between its legs….close the door behind you ego. Recognising these illusionary ego thoughts and identifying they are not who you are, gives you back your power. Remember you are perfect as you are and we all have a dark side.

3. Be grateful - Take small steps each day to create your dream life. This will not happen instantly, it takes time and effort but you will reap the rewards of directing your life in a right direction. Do not give up when things get tough, be brave, keep going and direct your life the way you want it to go. Appreciate everything you already have in your life, rather than focusing on the things you don’t have.

4. Get a little crazy - Start doing fun things you love. Why keep it for a rainy day, be present, be now and embrace your crazy side. Dance, sing, turn up the volume and blow away any cobwebs. Adding more fun into life makes for fantastic moments that bring a smile to your face, laughter in your belly and blushing cheeks all at the same time.

5. Establish boundaries - Learn to say no, don’t let others tell you how to lead your life. Having healthy boundaries is not being selfish, it means waving goodbye to that feeling of obligation and opting for your personal choice. It’s your life, lead it your way.

6. Celebrate your beauty - Don’t be fake, be your authentic self and remember this is not a dress rehearsal, its your life and your time to blossom, so embrace how truly beautiful you are! Inhale joy and let it reach the parts you, you didn’t know existed. Real beauty is an inside job and once discovered, will shine brightly from the inside out, making your aura sparkle.

7. Laugh laugh laugh - All work and no play is extremely dull, so let the good times roll and make time for impromptu get togethers with the people you love. Doing this raises your vibration, dissolving negativity instantly. Laughter is contagious, once you start its hard to stop so choose to laugh your way through life with like minded people.

8. Shine your light - When you find happiness, share it with others. The world certainly needs more happiness, so shine your light where ever you go and inspire others to do the same.

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